Have you bought any cards recently? At Target, they can be almost $4 each! Imagine having to buy 6 of them!
If you love deals like I do, then join me next weekend. We'll be getting together to make 6 cards for only $10! If you bring a friend, then you'll only pay $8! That's just a little over $1 per card! What a deal!
Choose your session:
Friday, September 5 @ 7:30 PM-9:30 PM
Saturday, September 6 @ 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
You'll have everything ready to make 6 cards. Envelopes are included.
Even if you're new, you'll be able to catch on quickly and have 6 beautiful cards to show for it. When your friends and family receive them, they will appreciate the extra care you took in making them.
So, hope you can join us! Don't forget to invite a friend!
Everyone who attends will also receive a FREE holiday catalog!
If you're interested, please RSVP by Wednesday, September 3rd.